Inspiration Behind The Mother+Land Project

Already in Russia, there are over two hundred Mother+Land home sites in existence, and growing.
As I've mentioned previously, The Mother+Land Project is largely inspired by these series of books. I am forever grateful I found them. I hope I can someday visit Russia to meet the amazing people who are creating communities based on the information found in these books. Below are links where you can purchase copies for yourself, if you wish. I receive no monetary gain by sharing this link with you by the way, but be warned...
You will either love them or hate them, and...
If you read them, your life will change profoundly.
For example, when I first found The Ringing Cedar Series back in 2011, I immediately loved them so much, I began to live, think, eat, and even breathe differently than I'd ever done before. I read all nine books voraciously. I couldn't put them down, or stop talking about them. I began to see a new path to a bright and beautiful future. I began to appreciate my beautiful family and community in new and vibrant ways. I began to remember to value myself as a magnificent Human Being capable of creating beauty beyond words. Virtually everything written in these books resonated and awakened a deep remembering in every cell of my body like nothing I had ever read before.
The Mother+Land Project would not exist if not for The Ringing Cedar Series by Vladimir Megre, nor would my children and I, nor the hundreds of other families around the world be on a path to a bright and beautiful future. I hope you will consider reading this beautiful series. If you do, be prepared to experience profound shifts in your heart, mind and soul. If you have already read or decide to read these books, I would love to connect with you. Feel free to contact me at any time to share your thoughts.
~ Marlowe Brown
Founder, The Mother+Land Project
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