What is the MOST IMPORTANT conversation we can have right now?

Politics?  The environment?  Jobs?

No… it’s not Trump or Hillary…

…melting glaciers or fracking.

It’s not about jobs or education…

No.  These are not the most important things we could be talking about.

The most important thing that we NEVER seem to talk about is:


Not their education or their vaccinations….


Do you know how the Children of our world are feeling?

They are feeling totally and completely hopeless.

I know, because I spend most of my time with Young People who say...

They don’t think they’ll live to see 50.

They think it’s over.

The future in their minds is doomed.

These are bright, intelligent young people!

And they honestly have no hope for anything short of total Armageddon. 

Can you imagine what it must feel like for them?

My gawd!  If Children are the future, and they have no hope, why are we giving virtually all of our attention to the jokers and strokers who do nothing but lie and thieve?  A.K.A., corporations and politicians?

Do you know there are millions of Children wandering the streets right now in search of imaginary cartoon characters with names that are nearly impossible to pronounce?

Because for most of them, it’s the only thing that brings them a shred of happiness or hope. 

Are you kidding me?

What are we doing here, people?

Wait... I know what we’re doing.

We’re doing the best we can with what we’ve got – THAT’S what we’re doing.

So let’s not beat ourselves up or point fingers at each other. 

The truth is…

We are amazing.  Human Beings are truly amazing.

Do you realize there is no other species of life that is capable of enduring, let alone thriving under the oppressive, toxic and downright terrifying conditions we Humans do?

Put zebras in cubicles and force them to slave away at meaningless tasks for hours on end, and see what happens.

Feed them toxic food and put fluoride and chlorine in their water supply...

Bombard them with images of doom, gloom and zebra-terrorists on a daily basis...

Take their young away, inject them with chemicals, and institutionalize them...

And tell me….

Just how long do you think those zebras would survive?

No, my friends…. they would not survive. 

But somehow, we Humans are.

We are extraordinarily magnificent in our ability to somehow survive, and even thrive  under adverse conditions.

Yes, we’ve done a lot of really stupid things.

And we’re still doing a lot of stupid things.

But we’re capable of incredible feats of ingenuity, creativity, and profound kindness unlike any other species known on Earth.

So when it comes to resilience and ability, we should be standing proud and tall.

And we should recognize that we’re capable of raising the bar higher.

Much higher!

We are capable of doing better.  We CAN create a happy world for Ourselves and our Children.

But how?  By voting for the right candidate?  Buying electric cars?  Solar tiles on our roofs?

No.  These things do nothing to create a HAPPY world for the Children.

We start by talking – just talking


The Children.

We start by asking them how we can create a HAPPY world for them.

And then do as they say.

I’m not talking about getting them all an Xbox or letting them eat as much junk food as they want.

No…. I’m talking about real “happy”… true “happy”… life-minded, nourishing “happy”.

If we don’t start listening to our children and talking about the ways we can make the world a happy place for them, then we should just check ourselves in to the psych ward right now.

If we can’t even talk about creating some kind of hope for our children, then why the hell are we even creating children?

Are we just good little robots who go to work and make money to pay bills and die?

If we can’t make the world a happy place for the children, then…

Who will?!?

Trump?  Xbox? 

No, we will.  We, the parents and families will make the world a happy place.

We can and we must.

You, the mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents and neighbors…

You can do it!

Seriously, people.

Regardless of your belief system, you know that what you sow, you reap.

Woe unto you who refuse to create a happy world for the children.

Woe unto you allow monster corporations to devour all that is good, life-giving and nourishing.

Woe unto you who lead the children astray with your self-serving theories, dogma and tyranny.

Woe unto you who continue to hand your children over to strangers to be trained into servitude.

Woe unto you who create systems that seek only to suck the life out of children while they are still small.

And you know what?

Bless your freakin’ hearts, man.

Because these are the things that were done unto you.  You were led astray.  You were trained into servitude.  You were lied to. You were emPLOYed.

But despite all of this, you are surviving.  Some of you are even thriving.

As my husband wrote in one of his films,

“There’s an exquisite beauty to life thriving in adverse circumstances.”

So Bless your hearts for creating anything beautiful out of the tyranny and oppression!!

If you knew how exquisitely beautiful you are, you would know that:

You ARE the one who can create a happy world for the children.

I know you’re busy.  I know you’re stressed.

But here’s the deal...

Just talk about it.  Think about it.

Ask the most important question:


Where are we heading?

Just look at it.  That's all.  And ask…

“Where will we end up if we continue to dedicate our lives to cubicles and kitchens while the children cut themselves, shoot heroine, jump off bridges or wander around hopelessly with visions of doom and gloom seeping into their souls?”

Where will this path lead?

We KNOW where it leads.

It leads degradation, despair and destruction.

But try this on for size.

What if you decided you were going to do something to make the world a happy place today?

One thing that would make a child smile.  Not an artificial happiness, but Real Happiness… True Happiness… Healthy Happiness.

In whatever way you can.

Maybe you’ll plant some flowers or an apple tree.

Maybe you’ll smile at a teenager in a hoodie who’s given up hope for anything good in the world.

Maybe you’ll say something nice.

Maybe you’ll just feel good feelings for Humanity.

And at a minimum…

Maybe you could stop perpetuating the tragic story that we’re all doomed.

Do you know how many grown adults are running around like it’s the end of the world?

Do you know how many of you have given up?

Almost all of you.

No wonder the kids have given up.

You’ve given up!

What the heck does giving up get you?

Off the hook?

A new pair of shoes?


Don’t give up.

Give in!

Give in to hope…

Give in to the idea that you CAN make the world a happy place…

For you…  For your family…  your community…

For the children.

Listen to them.

Hear them.

See them.

Love them.

They are the hope of the world.

The came into the world as pure and immaculate angels!

Nourish them.

Inspire them.

Adore them.

Do something…



We, the adults, are the ones they have to count on.

To make the world a happy place.


[This is a copy of an entry from my private journals.  Writings, ramblings, contemplations and such... I welcome your feedback and comments at The Mother+Land Project.]  


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