The Mother+Land Project News - December 2016

The Mother+Land Project News - December, 2016


UPCOMING WEBSITE CHANGES:  Many thanks to those of you who have written in with questions about The Mother+Land Project.  You have helped me tremendously in tightening the focus and bringing more clarity for all.  Please continue to share in its evolution, if you wish.  I am creating all of this for those of you who wish to create a happy world for the Children... for everyone... the Mothers, the Children, the Fathers, the Grandparents... for every Family on the planet, human or otherwise.  This is for you.  It is yours.  Jump in with me here, and participate however you can.  Email me at The Mother+Land Project to ask questions, give advice, tell me I'm crazy, tell me I'm groovy... whatever you like.  I need and appreciate it all very much.

HELP WANTED:  The Mother+Land Project (MLP) needs you... I need you.  I cannot do this alone.  If you are reading this, then please consider stepping on board and co-creating a happy world for the Children with me.  My next goal is to establish the MLP as a Non-Profit Community Land Trust with Chapters across the nation.  If you would like to help develop the MLP Land Trust Declarations, Principles and Guidelines, please email me at The Mother+Land Project.  Once established, MLP members will be able to open a Chapter in their own communities in order to give land, free of charge, along with one year of  sustainable living education to the willing and able Mothers and their Families in their communities.

For this to happen, we need:

I don't have all the answers, but I do know this:  Together, we can create a happy world for the children.  Please contact me if you are able to guide, donate, volunteer or offer helpful suggestions as we grow and evolve.

Free Land + Mothers = Nourished Families, Happy Communities and a Healthy Planet.

INSPIRATIONS:  Speaking of the inspiration of Children, my Daughter has insisted that I upload the countless pages of my private journals and contemplations from the past ten years or so.  In order to do this without spending months editing and spell-checking everything, I've decided to do exactly as she said, and "just put it out there."  I'm not sure when I'll actually get the nerve up, but she convinced me, so keep an eye out for them, if you like.  I'm hoping they'll inspire conversation, so don't be shy about  sharing any comments or suggestions you might have.   Give it to me straight.  Let's talk.  I'm a Mother.  Not to mention, some of us have known each other since third grade.  Some of us have known each other for lifetimes.  I think we can handle it.  The good, the stinky, the bloody, the beautiful, the ugly... we can value all of it, because in the end, if what you're doing is for the purpose of creating a happy world, it's all good.  Anyway... keep an eye out for my journal sharings coming in the next few days, if you like.

APPRECIATION:  Many thanks to all you beautiful people out there who bring meaning and love to my personal life.  You know who you are, and you ROCK!!  Without you, I wouldn't have the courage to create anything, but you've collectively pulled me out of the ashes and I feel a fire burning inside me once again.  You give me total confidence in a bright and beautiful future, because there's no way it could be otherwise with amazing people in it, like you.  And to my Children!  YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THNG IN THE WORLD!  The Mother+Land Project was created out of my Joy for You, and my greatest wish of creating a happy world for you.  Thank you for sharing your freakin' AWESOME hearts with the world, and for reminding me everyday why I am alive.  To "co-create in Joy with YOU for ALL in its contemplation."  ~ Ringing Cedar Series

Love and hugs to each and everyone of you.  I really mean this.  Truly...

Love and hugs,

Founder, The Mother+Land Project


  1. I applaud you for this heartfelt work! I am also a Ringing Cedars fan with dreams of employing Anastasia's wonderful guidance.
    I would love to help in whatever way I can. Please PM me.

    1. Please let me know where/how you would like me to PM you, and of course you are welcome to email me directly at Thanks again so very much! <3


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